Brazil and its teenagers

All societies around the world debate the issue of teenagers and the degree to which they are personally responsible for anti-social and violent behavior.

This generation is different; more technologically astute with na aptitude for rapid learning.Nevertheless, they also seem to have a propensity for violent behavior.

Many parentes are incapable of setting limits or saying “no” to children. They grow up thought : i can have everything and, i can have it now.

In Brazil, people ar discussing the reducing the age of incarceration. It is a well-worn discussion in my country, and the brazilian people are very divided.

The com group list some reasons to against this proposal:

       Almost criminal teenagers are poor;

       This standard don´t solves the main cause of violence;

       The Government doesn´t care about the basic needs of people, mainly poor people, like good schools, hospitals, job opportunities.

       The prisons are overcrowded.

The pro group list other reasons, and disagree with another group:

       It is certainly of unpunishment;

       It is necessary the criminal person has a sentence when they do something very serious;


       Be equal with other countries who adopt age reduction in their right to criminals situation;

       The teenager or kid is abused by criminal adult.

The question remains: who is responsible a homicide committed by a minor?

In many countries, teens are held responsible for their actions for serious crimes (as early as age 10 in England, 12 in Greece, 13 in France).

In my opinion, today teenagers are very smart and understand very well their actions and consequences, whether poor or rich. Of course, their punishments ought not  be served with adults, and there should be meaningful behavioral treatment, but they should still receive na appropriate degree of retribution from society.

I finish with two questions for reflection:

1.       At what age should someone go to prison?

2.       Do you think teenagers should be held equally responsible for their behavior as adults?

Good reflection!


 by Monica Rizzo Lopes 


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