
Mostrando postagens de junho, 2013

Love, love, love...

I wonder we could sell in pills! Especially in these days. Everyone wants to love and be matched. In the past or in the future, love is a question, desire and reflexion in our life. Poets have written about love since the time of the philosophers. Nowadays, people neede more affection than in the past, mostly someone to love them. But, what is importante in a good love relationship? Sex? Friendship? Freedom? Affinity? Fellowship? Well, it depends on your age! One day, you will discover that everything work together. The love is complex but in only word reflects our wishes. I´m in love now! It is good! One different kind of love i´ve never been. My definition is...mature love. Today people love in different forms, same sex, both sex, heterossexual. However, people desire to be in love. I advise you love yourself first. After that you will lover others better. Don´t give up ok? Love is the main part of your life. You have known this since you were born. Text b...

Gay love, gay marriage

We are in 21st Century.The machines command our lives. We have an extension of the arms with something like ipad, ipod, iphone. So we   expect more things to change in our life. One point is our relationships with people. I know, being gay isn´t new! Who   is read “The banquet” by Platao? Whoever read, knows there was gay love in ancient Greece. Today, its is a fact that gays need the same rights as others couples. Mainly, the law must provide uniform rights about insurance, division of property, medical assistance, etc. In United States, the Courthouse decided to cancel one referendum about this issue, because it considered offense to human rights.So, what do you expect from of the law? My gay friend told me that he doesn´t expect acceptance of society, only, recognition of his rights with his partner. I define all controversial subject in one word: RESPECT! So,   we should practice this now! Text by Monica Rizzo Lopes

Reflexão sobre o casamento gay e aceitação pela sociedade

" Quando o casamento parecia a caminho de se tornar obsoleto, substituído pela coabitação sem nenhum significado maior, chegam os gays para acabar com essa pouca-vergonha." Luis Fernando Veríssimo